Rock the Canyon, Shonto Az

Annual Rock the Canyon Art and Music Festival. 2018 marked the 10th annual production of the annual Rock the Canyon Art and Music Festival. The event which is typically held in late May and early June has become one of the signature cultural and music events of all the Navajo Nation.

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Tremendous effort and fundraising activity is necessary in order to offer a successful event each year. Nonetheless, the community is looking at opportunities to improve/expand the event in two ways.

The first level of improvement relates to the functionality of the existing event. Improvements could include, but are not limited to, improved parking, better security, improved sanitation and enhanced power.

The second level, programmatic expansion, could include special events such as Light Up the Canyon or Ski the Canyon or a Shakespearean Festival.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for the event is the financial burnout of volunteers. Especially with the 10th anniversary, the 2018 event required volunteers to show up at 6 am and work 18-hour days for multiple consecutive days. While certain improvements such as a new stage and other permanent features have helped streamline the event, the demand on volunteer labor is immense.

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